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Old 06-19-2018, 03:19 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4,069
Default Dustinjoels, Mooserivertrapper: THANK YOU!!!

Thank you guys,

Sorry for going off on you.

I am REALLY trying to make a point here, that I have been trying to make for a very long time. Slot sizes CAN work.

At Long Lake, the Walleye took off, SRD as it then was, made it over 50 cm retention, and there were no fish over 50 cm in a few years.

IFFFFF they had a slot size, say 40 - 50, then there would have been smaller breeders and bigger breeders, but that is not what SRD did.

Now we are on the brink of a new Walleye fishery: WABAMUN LAKE.

The Bios finally realized there are TWO types of Walleye. River Spawners and Shoal Spawners. The Bios took Shoal Spawners from St. Anne and Isle, and took a bunch of Adult fish on top of taking just eggs, and the darn things have been multiplying like CRAZY!!!!

WABAMUN is a big lake and can take a lot of pressure. Is there any reason why we should not have a Slot Size on Wabamun? To test this out, they could make it RETENTION for only 1 month, and run a Creel Survey for that month, lets say JUNE 2019.

Then the Creel Surveyors could ask people to keep track of how many LITTLE ONES and how many BIG ONES they threw back, and after the boat returns, determine what the return number are of each class???

I WOULD write to the Minister with this proposal if I thought it would make a difference.

But lets face it, Minister Shannon Phillips is only interested in wind mills, LED Light Bulbs, and getting re elected.

She will not do anything for fishermen.

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