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Old 06-16-2018, 10:58 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 11,870

I saw a boat freshly listed on Kijiji (ad was less than an hour old) seemed like a very very good deal so made arrangements to come out right away and see it. Boat, Motor and Trailer was 6-7 years old and, looking at the pictures looked to be great.

I got there and the guy tells me the boat was used twice. I could tell it had been sitting and was in spectacular condition and worth thousands of dollar more than he had advertised it for.

I made the deal with the guy, on the spot, for full asking. I went to the bank, but started thinking.

I took out an extra $1000 because, to be honest, I was thrilled with the deal but I wanted to be able to sleep and live with myself. If I give the guy and extra grand - I'm still getting a great deal and he's getting a little more than he expected. It was a feel good win/win.

I get back less than 30 minutes later and the guy is still cordial but it looks like his mind is occupied as we draw up the paperwork in the garage. I fill out the paperwork and tell him I am paying him $1000 more becuase the boat is a good deal, exactly what I'm looking for and very happy to pay a little extra for it. The guy looks pretty stunned and says "I really appreciate your honesty".

As we are in the garage still his wife comes into the garage and said "that phone is still ringing and you are not selling that boat" - so I handed the lady the money and said - there's an extra $1000 there for you. I said "the boat, as advertised, is priced a little below value and there an extra grand there for you guys" expecting her to be pleased - but the look on her face just gets more sour.

The lady announced that there was an offer at $2000 over asking on the phone and that she was to call him back (the guy that made the offer) after her husband told me "to take a hike with my low ball offer".

I wasn't about to get into it with this guys wife, and luckily before I said anything the guy spoke up and said to his wife, quite firmly, "the boat is sold".

He turned to me and said "I appreciate what you did and the boat is yours". and shook my hand. His wife threw the money on the floor of the garage and slammed the door and went back inside the house. I helped the guy pick up all his cash all over the floor in relative silence only exchanging small talk. He knew and I knew there is honour amongst good guys.

I hooked up the boat, thanked the guy, and left.

Good Karma breeds more Good Karma.

I wonder if these two are still married.

I used that boat for many years and it was great. Always caught fish for me.
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