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Old 06-16-2018, 09:43 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4,069
Default Calling Lake: Amazing year classes, amazing numbers

What more can be said. Out at the Lake with Glen and Marlo fixing a furnace problem and fishing, but not in that order.

Many double headers, finally a triple header. I need better fishing partners, because we should have had a lot more triple headers.

What is amazing is the many obvious year classes, and the heavy representation in each year class. Including "Unders & Overs".

This is admittedly prime time, and the heavy winds last week have pushed all sorts of feed onto the east shore by the town site. Sometimes as shallow as 5 fow in mid day!!!???

Have fun out there. If you have some non fishing friends or young kids, get them out there.

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