Thread: Sheep Hunting
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Old 06-16-2018, 08:27 PM
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BuckCuller BuckCuller is offline
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Originally Posted by West O'5 View Post
One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is how many packs of cigarettes to bring?I just turned 50,1 smoke 1.5 packs/day normally,I'm 30lbs over my prime "fighting weight",I get winded hunting deer/elk in foothills.....will I likely smoke more or less at altitude?
Also,when hunting east slope Rockies is it more uphill or downhill,I'm pretty good at stumbling downhill but again,I get winded with 50m of altitude increase,so I figger if I can drag my fatass uphill to find a sheep then packing it out downhill should be a breeze.
Also,how much meat am I required to salvage?Can I eat most of a ram in 2-3 days?Cant I just pack out horns and cape and say a grizzly ate the rest?
You will smoke more because you will take more breaks climbing the mountain.
You might think it’s easier downhill until you have a full sheep on your back and after a mile your knees are screaming at you WHY!
The biologists say Grizzlies in Alberta are pretty much extinct so if you told F&W a grizz ate your sheep they would know your lying.
As long as there is lead in the air there is always hope.
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