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Old 06-14-2018, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by gloszz View Post
Poland is going to win. We were so close in the Euro cup two years ago and we will for sure beat Germany! Half of Bundesliga is Polish.
Poland is a solid team. They can hang with anyone and will never get blown out. Not to be underestimated or taken lightly. I just don't think you can overestimate them either. They are a solid middle of the pack team here in a pretty easy group - they will move forward but temper your excitement - Germany is tough. If they end up playing Germany at some point - "styles make for good fights" and I'd say the German style could be a problem on quick counters. Then again, Spain wasn't able to hypnotise them into too much of a sleep - so they can hang with solid teams and can be resilient to matching their game to their opponent - I've seen quite a few of their games over the last few years (Polish Friend) and they aren't a push over for anyone.

You should come by for a beer when my buddy is over and you two Polish guys can be victimised by me - maybe bring a Serb too (my neighbour) and we can all drink and yell at each other !
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