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Old 06-14-2018, 02:36 PM
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Okotok Okotok is offline
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Originally Posted by calgarygringo View Post
So since I am not a physics guy but just thinking of possibilities and you guys theory is correct.....The truck was going at some kind of speed thru the stop sign how early in this whole thing would the bus driver been able to see the truck, react and slow the bus down or try to avoid. Considering he was only doing the speed limit. I dont know any info but I keep asking if and or why didnt the bus slow down when he saw the truck or was the truck really going that fast that he just flashed thru the intetsection. I just find it hard to believe he didnt have any time to react unless of course the truck was flying hhrough the stop.
Many others I have spoken to are asking the same. I dont think anyone is doubting the truck driver at fault but how come the bus didnt stop, swerve or take an erratic route to try to miss the truck. Part 2 to the mystery I guess is all.
I'd say the trees restricting both of their vision may have been a factor.
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