Thread: Cortland 333
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Old 05-21-2018, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Don Andersen View Post
Really, you all kidding aren't ya. There isn't an experienced FF that hasn't encountered tbe BS pounded out by the manufacturers and had to add one or line weight in order to get a decent casting rod.
At one time you could by rods that worked with the line weight specified. Not much any more.
I have/had Orvis, Scott, Winston rods that cast the suggested line weights well. But then the chase was on for stiffer and stiffer rods and tbe line weights went out the window along
The truth on line weights.

There is a learning curve to endure when upgrading to the performance of modern rods. I have yet to encounter anyone that chooses to suck the life out of a fast action rod to make it more like the rod they are trying to upgrade from but if you have, then so be it.

I haven't fished all the latest and greatest rods but have fished several of the Sage flagship rods as well as Hardy Zenith and Loop Opti rods. I fish them all with true to weight trout tapers and these lines are what is most recommended on fly fishing forums. They all perform perfectly.

I have read extensively on two other very popular rods that I hope to one day acquire when on close out or used pricing allows. Scott's Radium and G Loomis NRX are also rated as true to weight high performance rods.

I too enjoy a medium action rod where very delicate presentations are required to spooky trout. My Sage 4wt. ZXL is a perfect rod to fish on Stauffer but it would be limiting on any water much larger.

Anyway, to each his own. I just wanted to point out that you do not speak for the majority of fish fishermen and your opinion of modern rods is simply that, an opinion. Suggesting that everyone except you have been "fed BS and led down the garden path" is idiotic nonsense and somewhat self serving considering you manufacturer slow action antique replicas.

I can't imagine why you insist on using insulting and degrading language when speaking of modern rods that the vast majority of fly fishermen own. After insulting an individual they are highly unlikely to ever want anything more to do with your fly rods or you. This is very unfortunate as you make great effort in attempting to educating the public on environmental issues and do possess a wealth of valuable knowledge that gets lost in the divisiveness of your demeanor.
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