Thread: Cougar Attack
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Old 05-20-2018, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by grouse_hunter View Post
Sad story, especially if one considers that the two people involved are described as friends. What kind of a pusillanimous schmuck turns his back on a friend who's being attacked by a wild animal and runs away?!
My thoughts exactly. Now the guy will have to live with being a coward forever. He'll either smarten up and start arming himself properly when heading into the wild or perhaps he'll never venture out into the woods again. Maybe the guilt will be too much an he'll eventually self-terminate? I can't imagine an instance where I'd leave a friend in that situation; it was the woods so there would have been trees, a fast scrounge for a stick to use as a weapon would be faster than cycling a few km to make a phone call. Heck, the bikes themselves would make for improvised weapons, or at the very least be used as a shield. These guys were underprepared and devoid of the mental tools to deal with adversity, when your answer to such a dire circumstance is to scurry away and call emergency services then you shouldn't be out there in the first place.

Originally Posted by artie View Post
I thought in the states you can carry handguns or maybe not that state.
Washington is an open-carry State according to the Wikipedia entry.
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