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Old 05-15-2018, 10:28 PM
roper1 roper1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Wheatland County
Posts: 5,711

Where in the name of common sense did common sense go??

You guys truly quoting a youtube video?? Really ??

Like, like, like, Hey Dude, I can jump this skateboard 100 feet & do two flips in the air whilst doing it!! DUDE. You know what the diff is? The dude on the skateboard is only going to hurt himself, or some drunk that tries it & will wake up & wished he hadn't!!

The 600 yard CM gurus ( experienced hunters I think) would believe the marketing hype, here grab this newest technology go start shooting big game @ 600 yards!!Anyone else see a problem with that??

The real fact is every expert shooter/hunter/marksman(as well as the average hunter) here will have cleaner, more ethical kills at 60 yards vs 600, same day, same game, often enough that we need to be a little careful touting something so borderline.

Even the OP said it was deer & varmint only, not once did he mention it as a long-range rig, capable of miracles clearly shown on youtube. I think he's got it figured!!