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Old 05-06-2018, 06:25 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Don Andersen View Post
The book a Trout Highway is not really a where to go book. It is about fishing along the eastern slopes, some techniques, a lot of trout biology and a whale of a lot of personal experience that is likely never to be replicated. Nearly all of the book is a relevant today as when written.
I was fortunate to travel with Barry during much of exploration for the book. We travelled from the Torrens River SW of Grand Prairie > to the Milk River in the SW over several years. On top of those trips, Barry made a number of trips to other locations to fill in his personal knowledge. These trips only rounded out what he already knew of this province. Unfortunately, a wealth of knowledge lost way to early.

The Alberta Fishing Guide magazine published yearly is a much different critter with articles by a number of fishermen plus the guide lists lakes and streams giving details as to location plus some info on each water body. When Barry published the Guide, he checked with each regional biologist each year with regards to fishing and regulation changes. As well, he visited a lot of the locations each year attempting to keep to date on changes. Whether or not the info is timely today I haven't a clue. Barry hasn't published the Guide for a number of years.

If you can find a copy of the Trout Highway, grab it.


I've had the trout highway for years and finally read it a week ago. You are right Don, still very relevant. I know I learned a few things for sure especially on tributaries. The other thing is the timing of certain hatches which remains as accurate today. There is an impressive amount of knowledge in those pages.
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