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Old 04-19-2018, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Salavee View Post
Knee Jerk response or otherwise, it implies that you are opposed to any type of proficiency examination, even when it comes to such a complex and difficult tool to master as a Compound Bow.

If proof of proficiency is such a bad idea it would be interesting to see your list of reasons why. Listing what you see as potential barriers to effective
testing is fine but those can be addressed. Similar testing has been implemented and proven effective in Europe and elsewhere for many years so many good examination models already exist. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Not opposed, but think logistically it is not going to happen. I did google archery proficiency testing and it looks like Minnesota requires certification to hunt their Metro zone; couldn't locate any others but they may exist.

MBRB test requirement are:

Standard qualification: 5 of 5 arrows in a 7″ circle at 20 yards.
Sharpshooter qualification: 5 of 5 arrows in a 4″ circle at 20 yards.
This test can only be taken once per day!

Not sure what the difference is between standard and sharpshooter. I would hope that a person considering hunting with archery tackle can maintain a 7" group at 20 yards. Maybe a sharp shooter designation has special privileges.

Some other States also require a "Bow Safety Course" which can be completed online. I think it is a good idea and most likely a product which could easily be purchased and implemented by SRD. Completing the course would be linked to your Relm profile and allow you to purchase a bow Hunting permit. I would definitely support an idea like that.
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