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Old 04-18-2018, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by BillyT View Post
Sorry to offend all you wise men, with over 40 high end custom rifles and 40 plus years handling my rifles I have never been able to have one discharge on its own.Have had several factory rifles that have failed when the safety was released. Just so you know I did not come up with my method I was taught it by a ex military gent who has handled more firearms than any of you will do in 3 lifetimes. Have a. Nice day.
They are quite a bunch of dog pilers on here aint they. At least you took the heat off the jack asses running around cocked and locked. If they cannot chamber a round quick enough then they need to learn how to hunt. I really hate the mechanical safety is king crew but what ya gonna do.

I suspect you grew up in rural Sask in the 70s or somewhere else where Lee Enfields were the flavor of the day....and carrying like this is proper as long as it a is a Lee Enfield you are carrying. I was also taught as young fella to do this and this was how I carried a rifle for many years until someone took the time to explain it. With a more modern style actions it is an accident waiting to happen.

I never had an accidental discharge packing a gun with this method and spent a mile of sweat hunting everywhere there was something worth shooting but had the good fortune to have a friendly gunsmith show me how carrying one in the chamber uncocked was not a great idea a few years ago.

All my friends back in the Old Country (Sask) still carry this way as that is how their Enfield totin fathers taught them.
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