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Old 04-18-2018, 04:07 PM
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fish99 fish99 is offline
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Originally Posted by dustinjoels View Post
I agree with the put and take. Just have a few lakes close to major centres like sylvan, gull, wab (if water is deemed safe), La Nonne, 2 southern reservoirs, and Calling and make them put and take for walleye. Stock these lakes every year with walleye and allow for generous retention. It would drastically reduce the pressure province wide.

I’m sure there would be some people who would be upset about not being able to catch pike, whitefish, or perch in those lakes but so be it. A few sacrifices for the greater good.

Apart from the put and take lakes, do not stock walleye anywhere else in the province. Just let the lakes be. If the lake can’t sustain a walleye population without repeatedly stocking the lake, then maybe it just becomes a great perch, pike, or whitefish fishery and there’s nothing wrong with that.

The put and take system would make the fisherman who want to be able to easily go and catch and keep some walleye happy and would make the fishermen who are fed up with SRD’s focus province wide being solely on walleye happy.

Anyways that’s just my two cents. It’ll never happen.
great idea its a win for everyone.
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