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Old 04-16-2018, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by BillyT View Post
Here is a test to try, take your unloaded new rifle,cock the action and thump the but plate on the floor to see if it will slam fire. I have two new remington rifles that would slam fire without ever firing a shot. I know most would not expect this or understand how it is possible but it can happen. When I carry a rifle with one in the spout I uncock the bolt when I close it, then when I am ready to shoot I lift the bolt strait up and down with no cycling or noise, very quick and very safe for everyone, don’t put all your trust into the hands of a unskilled under paid gun maker looking to make a buck.
I never posted on this thread because I thought the whole conversation was kind of a matter of situational opinion and not worth arguing about. That was till I saw this. This isn't just dumb it is absolutely ridiculous and dangerous. Please, so not ever consider listeing to this advice, never carry a loaded round on a dropped firing pin. There is a very good reason the cowboys carried their six shooters with the hammer on an empty chamber and that levers had and still have half cock. De-cocking onto a live round is bad enough, carrying it around like that is even worse.

If it was an ex-military that taught it to you, remember, the entrance requirement for the military is a 90 I.Q. Same idiot leaders that made their men shoot 1000s of rounds a week for years with no ear protection and had multiple friendly fires where guys shot each other in the back because they were trained to walk locked and loaded, safety off, walking single file into a building or hot zone. (Don't flame me on the military, my Dad and lots of other family members served, and many died, and did so through both WWs and many conflicts. Doesn't make the military leadership a brain trust worried about their men.)

Last edited by Dean2; 04-16-2018 at 10:55 PM.
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