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Old 04-16-2018, 02:22 PM
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rem338win rem338win is offline
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Originally Posted by 223MB View Post
Cyber bullying/harassment is obviously a huge issue with youth’s but it is also a big issue amongst adults and there should be a stiffer punishment for those who participate in these behaviours.
There is a difference between cyber bullying and voicing an opinion. This is why I hate how our world has evolved; information (good or bad) flies at the speed of light and people react even faster. These reactions are often narcissistic expressions vs thoughtful opinions and the damage they do is instant because it takes nothing to make contact with people. Because most of it is faceless, people don't even pause to think of repercussions.

This And the fact that fools are heard as quickly and easily, and by the same mediums, as knowledgeable and intelligent people. Add as well that for at least 4 generations our society and education system has eroded the values of accountability and reason to where they are nearly nonexistent for most people.

We have things our ancestors would have dreamed of in the past that we casually abuse and disregard as quickly as it became available. Every person here has entitlement to things we take for granted everyday and this includes an amplified voice for good or ill and we still don't get it.

This example is a symptom of the greater problem and a sad one.
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
- Sir Winston Churchill

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.
-Thomas Paine
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