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Old 04-15-2018, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by parfleche View Post
So it appears some of us do not carry with one in the pipe , And some do , It has nothing to do with how experienced you are or how efficient safeties are etc etc. or how sure footed you are and you can fall from an airplane and still have the barrel pointed in a safe direction !
What it boils down to is this:
If you have NONE in the chamber you can assume you will never have an incident to talk about ! THAT right there suits me 100 percent !
The rest of us , no matter how safe we believe we are, can still have our day that we can regret ALL our lives ! What we do and how we do it is human nature , we are all different so safety must be practiced at all times !
If you never put one in the chamber, you are not hunting. You are walking around with an empty gun.

There has been at least two incidents already mentioned in this thread where firearms were discharged during loading in the field.

So no, you can not assume you will never have an incident unless you leave the ammo at home. Considering that most injury incidents do not involve a firearm, there is still no guarantees out there.
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