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Old 04-15-2018, 11:31 AM
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MK2750 MK2750 is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
Those are not firearms issues, those are shooter issues. I wouldn't hunt with anyone that would use any of those firearms, knowing that those issues exist.
Yeah, that was off topic, a complete derail, my apologies.

Those are firearm issues that can and do still happen. People hunt with vintage, often worn out guns AND many are poorly maintained. I bought, sold and fixed enough to know.

As far as hunting with someone. Most of my buddies were hunting for food. It was a different time, in a different place. You hunted with what you had, or you didn't hunt at all and went hungry. Not one hunting accident that I have ever heard of among them. We worked on the ocean where a slip and fall was gone and drown, safety equipment was nonexistent and you watched each other's back. It is incredible how fragile life has become all of a sudden.
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