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Old 04-15-2018, 10:10 AM
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BuckCuller BuckCuller is offline
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Default Not a fake video.

Originally Posted by Bushrat View Post
Fake video. But yah it happens. My brother was hunting with 3 other friends when one of them was shot in the legs by another friend who tripped crossing some railroad tracks and his single shot 12ga shotgun which he swore wasn't cocked discharged, probably wasn't cocked because the guy was a pretty commonsense guy, but somehow the hammer got cocked or pulled back far enough and released sometime between when he started to fall and when the gun fired. The guy who got hit was about 30 yds away, hit in the legs with #6 birdshot. Fortunately he was able to walk out with about 40 pieces of shot in his lower legs.
It’s a very well done hunter safety educational video. That shows how an negligent discharge could change your life and others. Yes it was all acted out but done very well and has happened in real life.
As long as there is lead in the air there is always hope.
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