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Old 03-27-2018, 09:12 AM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by dmcbride View Post
The zone I mostly hunt is September to the end of October for archery, then November for General season. Considering only 18% of hunters are archers I would say there is no need to take from the general season. But, I wasn't really complaining about crossbows not being allowed in the archery season. We all know Mister Brent started the ban on spears and atlatl's.
Add crossbows to archery and 18% will grow substantially, then those folks will
Need more pie to get everyone fed.

Once a proposal is lasts one round of resolutions and then is dead... the ABA never submitted another proposal after the original they were ASKED to draft by AGMAG. Look elsewhere for spear blame. Even the Atlatl group feels there should be a minimum requirement, but I don’t believe they submitted information supporting one.

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