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Old 03-27-2018, 07:49 AM
jcrayford jcrayford is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
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Originally Posted by Salavee View Post
If the ABA considered XCross-Bows as being directly related to Archery rather than as a Firearm I could support them. Their selfish anti X-Bow lobbying puts me in the opposite camp.
Was a member when Calgary Archers still had the range on Hwy 8, but let my membership lapse after. But with comments like the one above, maybe it's time I join Alberta Bowhunters Association again.... To continue the fight to promote Archery

The Alberta government defines a bow as something drawn, held and released by muscular power. The key word (in my mind) here is HELD. I've never seen a crossbow that meets this definition PERIOD. Crossbows can be locked & loaded for a whole hunting season, ready to shoot at any time. Doesn't really meet the spirit of bowhunting in my mind.

But I digress..... A discussion for a different time.

To the OP, one look at the link that Lefty has given you and you can thank the ABA for it's achievements in the past, and it's hard work for our bowhunting futures.

Thanks for the reminder of what the ABA stands for Lefty - I'll have to scrap together some $ for a membership.

My $0.02.... Please feel free to take my comments with a grain of salt
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