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Old 03-27-2018, 07:07 AM
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Stumpslayer Stumpslayer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Somewhere in Alberta
Posts: 250
Default Yes great organization

Not sure why there would be any negative comments or connotations to this organization. I’ve been a member for about 10 years and never had any concerns.

Just like any conservation minded organizations as they with proper facts and consideration keep the wants and wishes of the majority membership in the forefront with government and other stake holders in Alberta and not just for Bowhunters alone but all interest groups.

We are all hunters and sometimes we need to make tough choices to support certain hunting and or wildlife related issues in the province to ensure fair and equal opportunity exists for all hunters and future generations. I’m a member of a few similar organizations and in order to combat the antis, we need to be united in our fight so we can keep our rights as hunters and outdoors people so why not add your voice to anyone that will go to bat with government and ensure our hunting rights are intact and fair for all groups?
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