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Old 03-22-2018, 09:49 PM
M.C. Gusto M.C. Gusto is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 800

Originally Posted by markg View Post
He was at his best when he was at his lightest. He was quick as a mongoose. He cleaned out his division and no one could lay a glove on him. He then started going up in weight so he could get a paycheck. Thats when he ran into some trouble. I think if he stayed at his natural weight he would be considered the best boxer of all time. I truly think that he was pound for pound better than Mayweather and I think if he stayed at his natural weight he would have likely remainded undefeated. (except for that discalification loss).

Just an opinion so take it for what its worth.

Cool quote;

In 1996, High Frequency Boxing's John DiMaio wrote "The early evidence points toward the real possibility that Jones is the greatest talent this sport has ever seen. His skill so dwarfs that of his nearest ranked opposition...that providing competitive opponents is a more challenging dilemma than the fights themselves." The expert opinion of Boxing magazine's editor, Bert Sugar, is provided on Jones' website: "He possesses the fastest hands in boxing with lightning fast moves and explosive power in both hands." After Mike MacCallum lost the World Boxing Council light heavyweight crown to Roy Jones in a 1996 unanimous decision, he called Jones "the greatest fighter of all time.".[citation needed]

Video link confirming my point of view
He’s definitely ahead of mayweather as an all time boxer. Mayweather ducked opposition until the opposition was past their prime. Also he never moved through divisions like RJJ.
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