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Old 03-18-2018, 10:36 PM
ctd ctd is online now
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People are thinking the only ones doing anything are the door kickers.

People also assume because the Deputy did not rush into the building he did wrong.

You can have your opinions of the situation on the ground based on words of frustrated people (the other Officer calling him out). You can have your opinion on the Sheriff who is saying his Deputy did not follow his training.

Watch the videos closely. It shows him and another person trying to get into one door, they cant get in it is locked. then the video cuts away (edited) shows them go to another what i assume is a door behind a concrete wall. Where the Deputy takes a defensive stance and the other person disappears behind the wall. Thats all the video shows. Nothing else.

Based on your professional expeirance based on the extremely limited video, along with the list of events broken down. The lack of situational awareness of where shots were fired from, the reports of it was from outside, then inside.
Where would you of deployed yourself to.

I had a discussion with a friend a few weeks ago talking about firing guns inside of buildings and explosions. He stated it was difficult to figure out where the shots were coming from. either from outside of the building or inside.
With one building in the open it is easier to narrow down. But when you have multiple buildings the noise reflects off the surrounding structures. The same as if you are inside, depending on the structure make up, materials and the amount open or closed space the noise can and does reflect all over the space.

Add multiple floors, and it makes it even worse.

Something tells me the 911 calls told the secondary responding Officers where the threat was. This information may not have been dispatched onto the School Officer.

What I am saying is it is wrong to say the guy is guilty of being a coward before his day in proceedings. His Boss is a ass. Even if he is correct in his words. I wouldn't work for him if it was at a paper storage place that was all robots running it.

Wait until the end investigation comes out, before you throw names around and say he was wrong in his duties. (if he is found not wrong in his performance will you personally apologize to him for calling him a coward)?
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