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Old 03-18-2018, 04:51 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 12,793

Were you coached on the handling of the sturgeon you tag by F&W? And Wayne, you mentioned the same fish caught 3 times in 2 days...In your opinion do you think this fish was at all stressed by the third time caught?
I handnt even seen a lake sturgeon outside of an aquarium before I moved to the hood, safe fish handling is pretty much a no brainer, for most people anyways. After my first few I was invited to join another forum member in his boat and he was happy to add a few pointers for sturgeon specifically. the research program participants are trained in safe handling methods by the biologists especially pertaining to tagging Lake Sturgeon, the first and foremost responsibility is the fish's safety and well being. I would love to see training to buy a fishing license, at the very least a short online course in fish ID and safe handling methods. Its sad how many times Ive been approached by other anglers who have no clue about the sturgeon, some even upset that they were being released instead of taking them home to eat. I believe anyone who purchases a fishing license has the responsibility to know what they are doing when it comes to the id and handling practices.
Sturgeon caught multiple times, and Ive handled several now, even after a short recovery period seem no worse for wear, and just as energetic the next time
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