Thread: New or Used
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Old 03-18-2018, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by CanuckShooter View Post
Sometimes the prices aren't deals at all. I've been shopping the used market and a used Finnlight at $1800 isn't much of a deal [for example]. I think you can find better deals if you are looking for older models.
A new Finnlight is $2200 so $400 and the tax savings is better than a stick in the eye. Having said that, I often see them at $1400-$1600 but they don't last long, especially the non magnums.

What ruins the used market is all the wantabe dealers grabbing up anything they think they can turn a buck on. With no over head they consider themselves business men making $100 on a $1000 sale. In the real world 10% gets you bankrupt and all these folks are doing is taking a lively hood away from honest shop owners. I have "rented" a few high end guns that I knew I couldn't afford to keep and even refinished a couple but these guys have several listed at any given time all year round. If you list a really good deal on a rifle, shotgun or equipment trying to help out a new or young hunter, you will get many immediate messages from people with high trader ratings looking to score. It's sad really and the main reason starter packages like Axis and alike are so popular.

I think there are still deals to be had if you know exactly what you want and are quick on the mouse. This is especially true of the top end stuff. Flippers don't want to have thousands tied up in one firearm and even if priced fairly, there are much fewer potential buyers the higher up the food chain you go. A quality SXS or OU maybe be a steal at 1/2 price of new but that doesn't mean there is a line up of people willing to drop $3000-$10,000 on a shotgun. In fact even $1500-$3000 guns can sit if not priced right as we live in a buy and throw away society.
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