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Old 02-26-2018, 06:37 AM
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Originally Posted by YYC338 View Post
Now that's an attitude that guarantees it'll be a cold day in, well you know, before the soilers ever get another playoff run. Keep giving the teams in front of you points while you're trying to catch them. That's like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself up by the handle.

Once the salary's kick in next year they won't be able to sign a stick boy and stay under the cap.
Wow, with knowledge like that to offer you should be a coach or GM.

It was a joke to poke fun at the Shames fans. IF we were chasing the Ducks or any other team for a playoff spot, then of course I would be ticked at them giving up the point. I fairly sure the Oiler's were not happy about the late goals AGAIN last night, and definitely would have rather the win in regulation.
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