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Old 02-25-2018, 12:18 AM
R3illy R3illy is offline
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Originally Posted by HoytCRX32 View Post
Unfortunately people are still focussing on the implement, tool, gun, whatever, as an isolated issue, when in fact societal issues, political issues, health issues, cultural issues all ultimately contribute to tragedies such as this.

Points include: Kids being desensitized too death via gaming, breakdown of family structure, parental rights being degraded by the state, poor funding (or lack of acknowledgement) for mental heath issues, police/protective service stress, poor/lax law enforcement/penalties for violent crimes...I could go on. This is way too complex to simply put all the blame on the weapon, as some in the left media insist on doing (which makes the NRA go sideways in their responses)

If we have learned anything it is that those who want to kill will find a way (e.g. ISIS using regular vehicles to run down targets). There were SO MANY chances to avoid the Florida tragedy, if only people listened.

As long as there are groups demanding TOTAL disarming of the population, you will have groups like the NRA act act their antithesis.
The NRA isn’t stupid, nor should they considered complicit in all gun related incidents. They know that the answer always will lie some where in the middle, but the “middle” can change. If the NRA cedes anything, the “middle” moves left in the next gun debate, and so on will it “nibbling”, call it “death by a thousand cuts”, whatever.

That, IMHO, is why the NRA maintains their position.
Oh look the old gaming is resonsible for deaths excuse. Where does this excuse originate from? Dont kids in america play as many video games as kids in canada??? Weird how most shootings happen in america.

Yeah.. video games are the issue.
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