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Old 02-21-2018, 09:40 AM
cube cube is offline
Join Date: May 2011
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Originally Posted by nimrod View Post
Thanks for the reply, where abouts were you fishing, if you want to pm me thats great, or tell everybody, cheers

Not to be crass but it does not really matter where you fish in that lake for walleye as there are many many walleye in there.

I will tell you how I fish for them which might be more important.

Before I get to a lake I look at bathymetry maps looking for likely structure to try. So before I get to the lake I will have a list of 6 or 8 structure spots that might give me a reasonable chance.

When I get to the lake I look for older grey haired local guys that are heading out, as these guys usually know the good spots and I make a note of where they are going.

I then start my search. I will go to one of my shortlist spots and start drilling holes from the top of the drop +1 hole to the bottom of the drop +1 hole taking depth readings at every hole. My goal here is to have the top of the drop and at least 2 mid depth holes and the bottom flat covered. I then move over 10 meters or so and drill a series of holes back a little off set from the first. That way I can cover more depths. So now I have between 10 and 20 holes drilled and probably don’t need to drill anymore that might disturb the fish.

I now start fishing. First I will set out the tip ups/jaw jackers (at various depths if there is more than just me).

Then I will get my 3 rods out. First rod will be a jig and a minnow as this is the gold standard for walleye. Next rod will have some kind of attractant lure such as a rattle bait. Third rod will have some small finesse bait on it or some other kind such as a jigging spoon.

I will then spend about 5, and usually never more than 10 min, trying the various holes. If I don’t see a fish in that time on the sonar I move to the next hole etc etc etc. That way I can find the depth the size of the fish I want are hanging out at. If I find them at a certain depth I might drill a couple of extra holes to refine my depth pattern.

If I am catching fish but the wrong size I will move slightly. I find the small/younger fish seem to get pushed to the edges of the areas, not to say that they won’t come into the prime spots from time to time but it’s just less likely. So If I am catching large fish but I want small I just expand the area I am in.

If I am not catching fish or seeing much action on the sonar I MOVE to a new location and start the process over again. I keep doing this until I find at least reasonable action on the sonar. If I am seeing lots of action on the sonar but not getting bit then I will start changing lure colors, types, baits, etc. until I find a pattern that seems to be working.

If the Bite slows down I will again start hole hopping my holes. If it stops for a prolonged time I will MOVE to a new area. I have sometimes need to move areas 6 or 8 times to find the type and size of the fish I am targeting and hence, I don’t use and electric auger and rarely setup the tent.

There of course are exceptions to every rule like it it's extremely cold and windy or you are unable to move because of ice/snow conditions. etc.

Hope this helps

Last edited by cube; 02-21-2018 at 09:45 AM.
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