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Old 02-10-2018, 03:08 PM
Glion Glion is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 572

Man heads out hunting with his dog, he shoots a racoon up in a tree but it doesn't die. Rather it falls from the tree and before he can do anything his dog runs over and humps it to death. Shocked the man decides to see if this would happen again. Sure enough the next day he drops an injured racoon from a tree and the dog rushes over and humps it to death.
Now the hunter calls up his buddies to show them his remarkable dog. He heads out with a couple buddies until he spots a racoon. So he shoots the branch to knock it out of the tree but the racoon doesn't fall. Fearing to disappoint his friends and be called a liar he starts to climb the tree to try knock the racoon down. As he is reaching for the racoon he feels the branch he is on break. In a mad panic as he is falling he yells to his friends "Shoot the Dog!!!"
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