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Old 02-07-2018, 09:38 PM
densa44 densa44 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: North of Cochrane
Posts: 6,701
Smile It all depends on you!

If all you do is hunt Pheasants a pointing dog is your best bet. If you mainly hunt water fowl and are young enough to keep up with a Lab hunting pheasants, you will love your lab.

If you hunt both about equally a versatile dog has been designed with you in mind. There are 33 recognized breeds that "do it all" and as you all know some breeds are better at it than others,

It is not the dog's fault, a white short haired dog would have a tough time in an Alberta winter, my dogs would find the heat in Texas too much to cope with.

So the correct answer is that it depends on the hunter and what and how he or she hunts.

There are good dogs in every breed, BUT YOU NEED TO TRAIN THEM!
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