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Old 02-06-2018, 04:35 PM
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bat119 bat119 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: On the border in Lloydminster
Posts: 8,391

guy walks into bar and sees pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling Confused, he asks the bartender "why do you have meat hanging from your ceiling?" The bartender says "I'm glad you asked, currently we have a challenge going on where if you can jump up and slap both pieces of meat with your hands I'll cover your tab for the whole rest of the night. However, if you attempt to slap the meat and miss, you have to pay for everyone else's drinks in the bar until we close". The bartender looks back at the customer and asks "So what do you say, would you like to give the challenge a shot?" The customer quickly responds with a "No". "Why not?" The bartender asks. The customer replies, "The steaks are too high".
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