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Old 01-31-2018, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by killerpig View Post
I would say it is almost a certainty because the majority already didn't like him during the election and it is pretty clear he has become less popular since the election. I say it is pretty clear he has become less popular for two main reasons.

1. Obviously his approval rating crashing is one of the reasons
2. Of the special elections that have occurred is the last year or so, the Republicans have done significantly worse than they did in 2016 and in a very high number of these they have done 20-30 points worse. Pretty clearly shows that people are unhappy with the way things are going.

You asking a small group of friends who they like seems pretty irrelevant, I don't know if you are actually being serious with that.
I never said I asked anyone anything. In fact the majority I’m talking about are random people I hear at stores, gas stations, malls, restaurants etc... you talk about unbiased polls of at least 1000. Who do they poll to remain unbiased because I’m pretty sure I could bias any poll by randomly selecting 1000 people from a geographic area that is more conservative or more liberal, north vs south, east vs west, retired can workig, student can workinf etc just bailed on how on the high number of views that lean the way I want my poll to show. Sorry I don’t trust much I read in the media these days even with your expert in biased polls saying what’s going on. As mentioned they all said the man had no chance of winning.....
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!
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