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Old 01-31-2018, 01:10 AM
killerpig killerpig is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 109

Originally Posted by HyperMOA View Post
Based on what figures? Did all Americans vote? Because saying he lost the popular vote still isn’t the majority of ALL Americans. Based on polls? The very same polls that said an election was a waste of time as Hillary had already won?

The night trump was elected brought joy into so many hearts!!! I can’t say the last time I had such a big grin on my face. It was like midnight here and all the pundits and newscasters still were trying to find a way to not say that he had won. It was outstanding!!! Then Hillary fled in the night;= icing on the cake. That was a magical evening. I wish I would’ve PVRed it. I could rewatch that a hundred times.
If someone didn't bother to vote for Trump it is very likely that they don't care for him much.

The polls were actually pretty accurate, if you go back and look at the national polls before they election they showed Hillary leading by 2-4% which turned out to be pretty accurate. It is really not that unreasonable to think that someone winning the popular vote by 2% would be the favorite to win.

It may have been a good night for you at the time but it really just didn't turn into much results for you. I'm starting to think that the democrats losing the last election will probably be better for them in the long run. If they had won after 10 years in power Hillary probably wouldn't have been very popular and Republicans would have picked up more power in 2018 and have a chance to get someone competent in power and enact all kinds of draconian policy. As it stands now Republicans are basically just running out the clock and when Democrats come back in they can quickly reverse Trumps executive orders and carry on.
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