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Old 01-21-2018, 07:54 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is online now
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Originally Posted by Salavee View Post
I'm thinking we had better have all the loonies in permanent lock-up before we allow AK's and AR's and such, with the large cap mags, on every gun shop counter. Nobody, anywhere, would feel any safer, that's for sure.
It's bad enough out there as it is. To appease the few who like to play with those things, just imagine what would cut loose if those loonies had open access to them. Not all firearm restriction laws are negative, but I would like to see much more severe Loonie control. After all, it's because of them that we have these restrictions in the first place.
Given the availability of LAR magazines for the AR platform, I don't see a huge difference in allowing 20 or 30 round magazines. It only takes a few seconds to change magazines, and in many cases, only a rivet that is easily removed, limits the magazine capacity. As for the loonies being the reason for our firearms laws, the AR platform is restricted, yet there were no Canadian shooting sprees where the AR was the firearm of choice. The mini 14 is not restricted, yet it was the firearm used in the incident that resulted in most of our firearms laws. As far as the licensing system goes, some people were given a PAL without having any training, or having to pass any test, so that makes the PAL pretty much meaningless. Then we have cases where people that are prohibited from owning firearms , are committing armed robbery, so obviously our firearms laws are not protecting us. Then we have restricted and prohibited firearms and magazines being stolen from police vehicles, or being left on ferries by police officers, so only allowing police to have firearms is no guarantee of keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals. Our firearms laws and classification system is a mess, and given that much of it is based on appearance and emotion, rather than common sense, it is no surprise. The sad part, is that with the current government in charge handing the authority back to the RCMP and a committee of people with no clue about firearms, things will only get worse in the future.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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