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Old 01-18-2018, 08:39 AM
Bigbadblair Bigbadblair is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by yetiseeker View Post
Blair - I agree that our fisheries are in a such a poor state that something needs to be done. I am so sad to see how poor decisions are now catching up with us and change needs to happen now or everything is at risk.

Don't you think it's time to get our government to act and drive solutions out to groups other than us anglers. They control the anglers because we don't have the funds to fight back.

Big companies have deep pockets. They spend millions of dollars fighting in court so legislation doesn't make them repair the damage they have caused. The millions spent in court is spare change to them when compared to the possible multi-millions they would need to spend, should the government legislate the maintenance on roads used for exploration and development of the resources. Make them repair and maintain the fragmentation our biologists speak of.

So, I am in agreement with may aspects of what they are trying to do - just not the groups they are targeting.
Yeti- Again I think we took away different messages... I heard that they are trying to fix past errors, use science instead of public opinion, and working with industry and other regulators. They actually had a great example of how they restored habitat this very year under this program when asked. All rational efforts that I appreciate. However I agree more work needs to be done, but they are aimed in the right direction.

On the topic of who they are targeting - they explained it pretty well that habitat or closures alone do not fix fisheries. Fish need a rest to recover.. That's where we need to do our part as anglers.

As for other regulators that have a hand in the game, sure they need to be aware of our concerns, however sending emails to AEP for transportation, agriculture & forestry related issues is just going to take the biologists trying to fix our fisheries off the file to respond to emails. Email the right people..

Reading the form letter above it actually sounds like you don't support recovery - is that the message you want to send? Its not the message I would send...
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