Thread: Thieves
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Old 01-16-2018, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Bassett View Post
Wire in a kill switch on your truck, cheap and easy to do. Will help save it.
Good idea, while easily defeated most thieves are opportunistic and if something doesn't work like its supposed to it causes them to move on to something else quickly.

Originally Posted by parfleche View Post
From reading all of the above and the suggestions given , I think we can all agree that all the blustering and whining wont solve the problem.upside
down harrows , guns etc .Given the laws as they are and the fact the police are also stretched to patrol the municipalities ,Thievery is a fact of life , it has always existed and it wont stop soon! We can blame it on the economy , or the way kids are raised , the drugs and alcohol , its here to stay , and the touchy feel governments can and wont do anything to suppress it . Heck go to the middle east and even whacking off limbs does not stop it !
They also don't really have due process and are not generally considered first world countries. Those who steal over there aren't doing it to support a drug habit or boredom. They do it for survival. I highly doubt 99% of thieves in Alberta are thieving for survival. My guess is they are entitled junkies who can't handle not making easy money and feel they deserve what they take and society OWES them.

Originally Posted by parfleche View Post
Here is an idea : Take away their drivers licence for a year .
WOW, And AO was up in arms over the Province becoming a police state because they can detain you and have your vehicle towed for blowing a .05.
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!
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