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Old 01-11-2018, 07:14 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
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Ok, on second thought I can see how my first comment could have been taken as agreeing with the current situation. I assure everyone I don't, it was a tongue-in-cheek snipe at the complete disaster that is game management in Alberta.

The current batch of "bios" is moving grizzys into caribou habitat and sheep lambing range, has point blank refused to institute predator control to manage excessive predator populations, completely ignores the effects of unregulated hunting, still subscribes to the long debunked genetic harm theory, and -on the current subject- believes whitetails to be an "invasive species". Yes, that's right, they are still of the opinion that we should only have mule deer in Alberta.


I could keep going for days with examples of their incompetence, but the reality is (and I kinda thought everyone knew this) our current batch of provincial idiots would just as happily have licensed hunters off the land altogether. So forgive me if I don't see the point debating the merits of the supplemental season, because it kinda resembles rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.

Have a nice thread
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