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Old 01-11-2018, 05:17 PM
elk396 elk396 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 511

My sister was bit in the face by a neighbours dog when she was 7, 133 stitches, the dog was a known biter but they kept it anyway and it bit several other kids before my sister, back then there weren't laws about reporting this, but anyway, i'm a little sensitive to anyone that has an aggressive dog and they known they are aggressive. Why have a dog like that? I guess I look at it from the standpoint, if I drilled you in the face, I'd get the book thrown at me, assault charges, can't cross the border, criminal record, sued, you name it, but a dog attacks and bites you, what will really happen? Could careless if the dog get's put down, if I have 50 stitches somewhere it's too late, the guy gets a $250 fine, and I'm scarred up. I don't want to argue about this with you, but I just feel the law is too lenient towards dangerous pets is all. My sister has lived in hell because of the scarring, changed her life for ever. Nothing ever happened to the owner.
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