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Old 12-30-2017, 01:34 PM
oldgutpile oldgutpile is online now
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Default totally pointless

Originally Posted by 58thecat View Post
Like I said you make a choice and then live with it, really simple stupid but we push the limits every time and when the police do the thinking for us they are the ones who are blamed for our bad decisions...always surrounded with excuses.

Yes faulty equipment, yes a mistake made, yes, yes, yes, but and yes the dreaded but and think real hard about this as I know the facts if we could dig that up would lean way over to the fact that for every 10000 idiots pulled over breaking the law maybe one, yes one was partially innocent...I'll take the odds to keep law and order to,our streets because if not the streets would run amuck with common folk being overwhelmed by criminals...think about it, hard.

You go on a rant about your own opinions. I was trying to make the point that .05 is NOT LEGALLY RECOGNIZED as being impaired.
If you want to push for zero alcohol, go for it. My statement was that .05 was established as a vote gathering tool. The majority of places in the world recognize .08. I have a problem with the province jumping on the .05 issue, when it has not been proven that .05 is a state of impairment. A very long-established guideline.
This is a police state issue. If you want to continue going on about .05 drivers going out and running over a little kid. coulda, woulda, shoulda!!
When we roll-over to this type of beuracracy, we are opening the gates for more stupid laws to be introduced.
WHAT?!! There are people living here with guns? But what about the children?
Go on. Roll over and take it some more.
"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears!"