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Old 12-30-2017, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
Are you going to tell us that every single person accused of impaired driving is guilty? Are you going to tell us that the portable roadside test equipment is always in perfect calibration, and never fails to operate properly? If that is the case, why are people accused of .08 taken in for further testing, and not charged with a criminal offense based solely on the roadside test equipment? Some people have the idea that because the penalty is less, you aren't entitled to a trial, yet you are given a trial for minor offenses like exceeding the speed limit or rolling through a stop sign.

I will tell you that .08 is an arbitrary number and just because your below .08 does not mean your not impaired and good to drive. I will also say that PBTs used on the side of the road are regularly calibrated, ours were done monthly, and they help solidify probable cause for an arrest however the unit used back at a jail or station is more complex and detailed providing a much more accurate reading.

But then that’s only what I’ve experienced in training and seen first hand in 4 years of law enforcement. What do I know. I’m just amazed so many people defend drinking and driving when it is responsible for more accidents and fatalities then firearms...
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!