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Old 11-23-2017, 09:02 AM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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The earth IS flat, well sorta. Atmosphere and stratosphere layers fool cameras with their light bending fisheye effect distorting pancake shapes to look like extended spheres. Planets are flat longitudinally, round on the ends latitudinally rotating digitally. Light bending effects make them appear round to the human eye. Long planets are shaped like hotdogs. Short planets are shaped like marshmallows. Sun's heat makes them crusty on the surface and gooey inside. The 'Rule of Rotisserie Conundrum' explains it.
If the rotisserie is slow (like ours is)the planet will be hot on one side and snowy on the other that explains the seasons. The moon currently is an immature sun, as it grows, reaches puberty and moves out to the opposite side we will have two full grown suns and daylight all the time, we will no longer have winter. This is the actual explanation for the global warming phenomenon (the changing climate is the telltail) but the media, scientific community and gov't hide this revelation for their own nefarious profit taking reasons..
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