Thread: Bill 24
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Old 11-15-2017, 02:55 PM
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Okotokian Okotokian is offline
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It's all politics and shading. The difference between the two side's positions is negligible. Both agree parents should not be told as a matter of course. You tell me what the material difference is between the two positions:

"The bill also makes it clear that school officials cannot tell parents if their child is in a gay-straight alliance except in special circumstances, such as when a student is under direct threat of harm."


"Opposition United Conservative Leader Jason Kenney spoke out against the bill, saying teachers need to be allowed to tell parents if they deem it necessary."

When would school officials "deem it necessary" other than if the child was at risk of harm? I suspect that in 99% of cases the standard would be the same. Perhaps Kenny needs to spell out the conditions in which a teacher might deem disclosure necessary. It can't be a blank cheque. It can't be because the teacher doesn't like GSA's.
Originally Posted by DevilsAdvocate View Post
In this case Oki has cut to to the exact heart of the matter!