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Old 10-26-2017, 01:47 PM
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Gaudreau was taken in the 4th round at the 104th pick, so I doubt Burke really saw him in his "Truckulant" plan.


IMO he handles the puck better than McDavid

Up until this point I assumed you watched the Oiler's and Flames actually play a few games. In your defense you did add "IMO", but honestly the value of your "IMO" just took a huge nose dive.

Originally Posted by Kingfisher View Post
I'm not a fan of Gaudreau. He is a boy playing a man's game. He can't hit anyone because he will drop like a fly. What ever happened to Flames president Brian Burke's statement about wanting to build a "Truckulant" team. His words, not mine. You have to have a big team to be competitive against a team like St. Louis, LA or a dozen other big teams in the league. The Flames are far from truckulant. They are an average team, at best.

Sure Gaudreau has a lot of points. He's put on the power play every time. So he will eventually get a pass that goes in for an assist or will score more than his team mates that are on the bench. You could put almost any forward out there as much as he is and they will build up the points too. He dipsy doodles around with the puck and half the time looses it. The third goal that St. Louis got was 100% a give away from Gaudreau at center. Which they skated in and scored.

Maybe, just maybe, he will be great trade material for someone else along the way. Maybe somewhere like the Islanders. I bet the Islanders would love him over there. I think he would be a great trade for John Tavares. Tavares is only 27. Sure he is the face of the franchise. But Gaudreau could be their future face of the franchise.
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