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Old 10-22-2017, 12:53 PM
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ESOXangler ESOXangler is offline
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Originally Posted by Xbolt7mm View Post
It certainly is not a god given right at all. First off what does god have to do with anything. News flash here buddy, the world is full of bad people. And seems to get worse every day. If rancher pays to lease land, he should follow the rules of access. Just as hunters should also follow rules of access and we all know neither of both parties follow the rules all the time. Suck it up and move on, maybe build a relationship with the rancher in the off season so you can be one of the select few that get in. It certainly does have something to do with the younger generation and the sence of instant gratification. Wants to go hunting so he calls the day before. Its work to go out in June or July and meet the rancher, maybe help him fix a fence or two. Build a relationship so he knows who you are when you call. Its called being friendly and sometimes it takes some effort. Nothing in this world is free there is always something involved
Man you were pretty angry when you wrote this eh? LOL

Did you understand the context of any of my posts? For one I excluded GOD haha so you missed that. And it is a right to access lease land. It’s as I have previously said, a legislated allowance granted by the same government body that allows leases to begin with. So go be friends with the lease holders, that’s a great idea, not something anyone is arguing about. In fact that’s actually part of being a human being. So don’t go thinking you’re special because you visited some person in June. You don’t get a slow clap for being normal.

And this generational crap is nothing but a window into your ignorance. There has always been jerks, entitled and slobs. Right back to when mammoth was on the menu. But that don’t change the legislation that allows me access.