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Old 10-12-2017, 11:27 AM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 3,889

You keep saying untrained, its like your purposely missing the point. These people would be trained quite well!
Yep.. because they are.. The amount of training they would have to take yearly would basically force them to be in courses almost every night on their own time, between family, work, etc.

Originally Posted by raab View Post
And how would the situation have turned out different? 6 officers could have pulled up on scene surrounded the suspects and arrested them within 15 minutes. 4-6 guys show up with Semi Auto rifles and shotguns you have your scene controlled fairly quickly. Instead these idiots pull a gun on the owners take off then go do it again later.
lol.. So if the crackhead pulled the gun on the owners, you don't think they would shoot either the homeowner or the volunteers?

Maybe we should round up these criminals and come put them in your neighborhood.
Funny thing.. They used to be, . Guess what, all our neighbors were sick of it, so they started to lock their **** up, and taking away the easy pickens.. Guess what? Crime has gone down in our neighborhood. Amazing what happens when some common sense gets applied. Oh, and don't think it's just simple crimes, we've had high speed chases/shootings/etc.

Also you seem to be miss the point that EVERY small town in Alberta would have a department. Meaning the response zones would be fairly small for quick response times. Thats the whole point of making it POC, so most municipalities could afford to staff departments.
Bahaha.. You clearly don't understand the logistics/economics of running a "police department".. Why do you think there isn't an RCMP detachment in every town?
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