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Old 10-12-2017, 10:53 AM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary, Alberta
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Originally Posted by raab View Post
Try 8 minutes to get into a department, and rolling within 90 seconds of getting there. Ive done that for most of my professional career while on call fairly easily. Definitely not an issue getting most places within the response area in 15 minutes or less if we have departments in every small town.
Sure.. ..
And what happens when there's two calls? Or you happen to be outside your "zone" and it takes an hour to get there. hmm sounds like the same problem the LEO's have.

And what happens if we create a patrol and end up shooting someone at one of the neighbors? We already know these guys are armed, would you like us to just go give them hugs? Why not have more police, and get these criminals off the roads and create safer communities?
Once again.. You are not understanding the patrol... They have zero authority, zero ability to carry arms or even approach anyone. But having a presence (which is what you are suggesting is the deterrent) is enough.

And the 40 minutes response time is a conservative estimate. They took over an hour to get here for one of the robberies, and never made it all the way on the other. A high speed chase started as the locals ganged up on the bunch and ran them into town. Cops were supposed to set up a road block, but took it down once they found out the car was doing over 150. The crew got away and went on to go hold another household at gun point later that evening.
And how would've your "volunteers" changed that? a gun fight? a high speed chase with guns ablazing? This is a clear example of how untrained civilians more than likely escalated the situation, and could've seriously injured many innocent people.

Like I said, you need to take emotion out of this, and think logically.

Being preventive is much better than a bandaide reactive solution.
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