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Old 09-27-2017, 10:05 AM
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dryflyguy dryflyguy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 163

Yeah, the Mahi Mahi are great fighters for their size and color can't be matched. We didn't get any pics of them at the time they were caught, they were too thrashy to hold. So the pics we do have of them, the color had faded by that point
The bonefish are awesome, so much fun watching the school get close and then the guide giving you pinpoint directions on where to plant your fly..."strip, strip, faster, faster, pull! you got him!" haha, just crazy. By the end of the week, you start to get the hang of where to cast and what to look for, very cool. Even the small Bonefish had me into my backing almost every single time, made that reel sing!

All in all on that trip, between 7 guys during 7 days of fishing, we got into:
Mutton Snapper
Mahi Mahi
Yellowfin Tuna
Nurse Shark

I think that's it lol, hard to remember that far back. We caught a couple other varieties of snapper too, but the names escape me

Free diving for conch shells (we put them back after some pictures), dolphins swimming beside our flats boat, witnessing a water spout...just unreal memories

We even had an underwater video of a school of bonefish sweeping through us while we snorkeled on the ocean-side of Long Cay, I'm not sure which of our group ended up with the file but man, that was unbelievable to experience...a huge Manta Ray flanked by 3 Mutton Snappers even made a brief appearance

Ken, the more I reminisce, the more I realize I miss the salt haha, can't wait to go back one day
- Early to bed, early to rise, fish like hell and make up lies!
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