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Old 09-04-2017, 05:51 PM
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JohninAB JohninAB is offline
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Originally Posted by Full Curl Earl View Post
There are plenty on here without knowledge of what the Province can and can't do. They cannot legally force you out of crown land, or your home even when a state of Emergency is declared, let alone just a risk. I have spent most of my career in Emergency Management, the bush is terribly dry, and ripe for a fire. But your 100 times more likely to die on the highway than by a wildfire. People need to lower the anxiety level on this. Crossover conditions happen all the time, fire ban's are in place, crews are available to fight fires, which there aren't many of in the Province right now considering how dry it is in the South. They didn't give the order to evacuate Fort McMurray, even though an active wildfire was bearing down on the city. They dropped the ball on that one. Now they are flopping to the extreme. There is a happy medium to be had.
And regarding animals burning up in wildfires, ask a Firefighter how many carcasses they have found in a bush fire, I bet you will have a difficult time finding a single one. I've never found nor do I know anyone who has. Even if a fire starts, it's not the end of time. But for crying out loud, be safe out there.
Section 14(1) of the Forest and Prairie Protection Act gives the Minister the authority to close forest areas to public entry.
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