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Old 09-04-2017, 10:08 AM
JD848 JD848 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 2,898

Originally Posted by chuck View Post
They are targeting hunters. Period.
Your right out of some comic book ,and I can bet my last buck you never helped in fire fighting in your life by the way you talk,resorts for fishing get shut down,logging companies with millions in overhead payments are chased out and some loss everthing,mining,pipelines construction is haulted and they target just hunters .

Just so happens in years before it was the spring so hunters could care less,now were getting hotter summers in long periods and the forest 's are in very bad shape due to being extremely dry,like I said forget about taking if you have the time,pack your pack sack and go help other men that are fighting to save your wildlife ,I did it many times and shut my company down for months losing my income and still paying my creditors and never said a word about it,you take and you give to save what is possible and enjoy,so just don't take and sit at home crying about like a 3 grader.

Last edited by JD848; 09-04-2017 at 10:26 AM.
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