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Old 08-13-2017, 04:39 PM
Cappy Cappy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 481

Our army is very small. We only have 3 combat infantry units that would fill the role of sniper. (excluding CANSOF and those assigned to the school)

Members can become a sniper, serve in the cell and then on staffing requirements, promotions etc rotate out to other positions. Some are lucky to get back and the majority are not.

So you may have a lot of guys who were trained as a sniper and were able to do a stint, very few, lucky few were able to stay for a length of time in an operational capacity.

A master sniper sniper isnt a qualification in shooting skill. It is the platoon
Warrant or Sgt who oversee's the snipers, their training and deployment etc. Which is a skill set all on it's own.
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